Fake News Alert: Bawumia’s 2024 presidential bid is not funded by ACF

On Wednesday, July 13, 2023, false accusations by a Nigerian investigative journalist surfaced on social media claiming Dr Bawumia’s 2024 bid is being funded by a lobby group in northern Nigeria, the Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF).


The Nigerian journalist David Hundeyin was emphasising how lobbying and nuanced methods can influence political outcomes and benefit lobbyists’ interests.

To support his claim, he mentioned the UK government’s support for groups in Nigeria’s north stating; ‘Have you ever wondered how the UK government always seems to be aligned politically with the northern establishment? Yes there is historical context, Harold Wilson, bla bla blawhat else is the reason? It’s because of several organisations like the Arewa Consultative Forum,’ he tweeted.

He cited the Vice President to support his previous tweet, it reads: ‘These think tanks and lobby groups spend millions of dollars annually on local and foreign politics astroturfing on scale you cannot begin to comprehend. For example, the ACF is funding a Muslim candidate (Mahamudu Bawumia) in Ghana’s 2024 election. You already know why.’


Team Bawumia however, has come out to debunk the claim.

‘For the avoidance of doubt, the Bawumia Campaign has no funding or any linkage with any Islamic group in Nigeria or anywhere else.

We also note that the said David Humdeyin has demonstrated a penchant for making similar claims against some persons and groups in Nigeria without any basis whatsoever.

The Bawumia Campaign is focused and will not be distracted by such vain untruths.’

That said, the Vice President has not met with anyone from the ACF to lobby for support hence the claim is false and misleading therefor it should be treated as such.